+49 173 6 51 46 23 coaching@dorisschueler.com
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Doris Schüler

Do you know the cairn´s that provide orientation for hikers all over the world? They are signposts. However, in order for them to stand securely, the stones must be well balanced.

Providing orientation, getting into balance – that is the goal of Coaching in Nature. Let me accompany you?

There are many things in life that can drain your energy system and throw you off balance. The energetic deep relaxation stimulates the energy flow and restores it´s natural flow. A positive experience that brings back your strength and balance.


Energetic deep Relaxation

energetische Tiefen-entspannung –

Oneness Therapie 

Every human being has an energy system. If the energy flow is disturbed, this can become noticeable in physical symptoms or mental stress. These “system disturbances” or blockages affect organs, glands, and the mental state. However, when our energies are in harmony, we feel fit, balanced, and healthy. This state can be brought about through energetic deep relaxation, in which various energy points in the body are targeted through gentle touch. Everything flows, everything is in flow.

This treatment method puts almost all people into a deep state of relaxation within a very short time. Self-healing powers are activated, blockages are released. Physical pain or mental stress disappear. After the treatment, a comprehensive sense of well-being sets in. You feel will feel balanced and strong, relaxed and calm.

Stressful situations are no longer felt as intensely and even fears and phobias can be reduced by this method.

I learned this form of  energetic deep relaxation in beautiful Austria. It can be combined with Coaching in Nature or booked separately.


After a conversation, it usually becomes clear quickly which thoughts or perceptions are blocking your body’s own system.

In a pleasant atmosphere I will accompany you into a deep state of relaxation. This happens without words and can be either seated or lying down.

There is no intervention or manipulation from my side to your system. Everything that happens during the treatment is determined by you.

Sometimes one treatment is enough to make a lasting change in your life and make every day more sensitive, carefree, and happier with love and more awareness.

But you can also come to me without any concerns, simply to recharge your batteries, get back your power, and treat yourself to some time out with total relaxation.

It is all about you. Just switch off and allow what you feel and sense to flow.

Give it a try!

A treatment lasts 60 to 90 minutes maximum


This is where our energetic treatments take place:

Coaching in Nature
Heddernheimer Landstraße 17
60439 Frankfurt


Opernplatz 16
60313 Frankfurt Am Main

LIFE COACHING, Inspiration and Energy Events

Past Events

September 20th – 22th 2024
Lady Energy & SPA Days at the beautiful A-Rosa in the Kitzbühel Alps


Get into Balance

There are many things that are mind-blowing. In a positive sense, but also in a negative sense. Sometimes things just don´t run smoothly, sometimes it´s the last drop that makes the barrel overflow. A crisis clouds the view of good solutions, a stroke of fate knocks you off your feet.

There are situations and phases in life where your own strength, family and friends are of no help. In these cases, the view from the outside supports and the methodical processing of stressful issues helps to sets the world straight again.

But even without a major issue, it is good to take a different look at one’s own life from time to time. To take time out from one`s everday life and to do some “soul care”.

Coaching in Nature and energetic deep relaxation are two options to get into balance and to stay in balance.

Feel free to contact me for a free get-to-know conversation.

Coaching in der Natur mit Doris Schüler

Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand everything better.

Albert Einstein

Inspirationsreisen Doris Schüler

Out with it

The goal of coaching is to mobilize your resources, to find your strength and to find balance. In the coaching sessions you will learn to check your inner thoughts. Maybe you cry and scream. Good. Let out your anger, your tears, your frustration. That frees you up and then you can make positive changes in the coaching session, guided and in a protected space.

You learn strategies that help you to look at situations and problems from a distance, to find new paths and to make decisions that feel good but also that do good and are good.

Raus mit Dir!

Out with you

Your coaching takes place outside. We go out together – out of the daily routine, out of all the “have tos”. Into nature and towards insights, ideas and change. We will go where your mind becomes clear, your head free. We will walk, because nothing gets moving while standing or sitting. We will walk, we will talk while walking, we will look at your issues with calmness and serenity. I will accompany you – empathically, methodically and solution-oriented.

And if it rains? Then we will walk in weatherproof clothing. But of course a video call or a phone call is also possible in any weather condition. We have all learned to work together in a trusting way even with distance, haven’t we?

Interest?  Then contact me for a free get-to-know each other conversation!

Doris Schüler

Wherever you go,

go with all your heart.


ABout me

You may want to get a picture of the person who will be by your side during Life Coaching in Nature or energetic deep relaxation.

I was born in Austria, surrounded by breathtakingly beautiful nature, in the heart of a loving family. Today I live with my husband and our son in Frankfurt am Main.

With the decision to do life coaching and energetic deep relaxation, I decided to support people in special life situations, with personal and professional challenges. This includes all kinds of changes, a separation, a job change, a move, the end of a life phase, illness, or support to help them achieve new goals and visions of their life.

Doris Schüler

Education as a Life & Business Coach (IHK certified).

Various seminars and workshops for personal development and further education around the topics of coaching, change management and meditation.

Training in Austria for Energetic Deep Relaxation

More about me

My great love of animals has been part of me since childhood. I support various animal welfare organizations and sanctuaries such as “Save the elephants of Africa”, Soziale Tiernothilfe Frankfurt e.V., “Vier Pfoten”, the sanctuary in Austria “Animal Spirit”, to name just a few.

For me, the welfare of animals and a healthy body and mind are closely related to our diet so have been a vegetarian for about 20 years and now mostly vegan.


Here you can let go and be who you are.
Maybe you would like to chat in the pleasant atmoshere or you would rather go straight to the louncer for the energetic deep relaxation treatment.
You are the focus and you will feel the effect and the positive energy after a short time.


A week ago I enjoyed Doris Energetic work and I am deeply impressed. Doris has a calm and soothing charisma, so immediately felt at ease. The treatment itself is a blessing for the body, but especially for the soul. I was relaxed for a long time, positively charged and am just grateful for it. I can only recommend it!

Natalie K.
Dear Doris, your hands are balm for the soul I’ll be back 🍀
Janet N.
For months I have been suffering from panic attacks and restlessness. I have long thought about which way to go until I learned about  dear Doris. Her hands and energy can be felt throughout the room. She can help where no one else can. I can only recommend her, because she really helped me and I am on a good road to recovery!
❤️  🌱
Ella F.

I got the pleasure of energetic deep relaxation session with Doris Schüler. I was warmly welcomed with tea. There was a preliminary talk with Doris, who is such a charming person that you immediately feel comfortable and ease . Then it was time to get on the couch. The treatment was simply balm for the soul.

It did so much good. Afterwards I was quite blissful and balanced and peaceful within myself. It is not very easy to describe. But it is absolutely recommended for anyone who wants to do something for self-love and wants some balm for their own soul. If I could, I would like to give more stars.

Kahtrin J.

Doris showed herself to be very empathetic, warm-hearted and competent towards me. She was looking out for my interests and I felt very much valued.

Marie S.

Dear Doris, thank you very much for the trusting, open and harmonious cooperation. I always felt very comfortable in all conversations and was able to integrate many results as improvements in my life. Thank you for the exciting journey to a new perspective of lifes!

Hanspeter B.

Doris was able to use her intuition to detect issues in me that I didn’t even know were playing a role. Coaching in nature is incredibly helpful to be able to give free rein to the thoughts. The steps we took can almost be metaphorically translated to the steps I’ve taken in my process moving forward. Sometimes small steps, sometimes big – and thanks to Doris always forward.

Christiane Z.

I had time and space to share myself, so I could find my inner self. Doris stands out for  her absolute empathy and assistance that she provides. I was able to see myself and other situations “differently”. I was able to put my focus on positive things and find strength and peace within myself again. I am positively looking forward to the future.

Mersa M.

I have had several coaching sessions with Doris. Each time I have come out with an important insight and the feeling of knowing what to do next. Doris is incredibly empathetic and personable. I especially like when she includes places in nature in her coaching. The energy work has given me deeplasting relaxation.

Tine S.
